Where To Buy

Online Stores

**PLEASE NOTE: There are several third party sellers on the Amazon.com website that are not authorized to sell Duralex USA, Inc. products. When purchasing, it is important to note where the product is being "shipped from and sold by"; which is clearly stated in the header for each product that is sold on Amazon.com. Please use caution when making a purchase on Amazon.com, as it is possible that the Duralex USA, Inc. product will not be covered by our warranty. If you purchase from a third party seller on Amazon.com, and there is an error with the product, you must go through that third party seller to resolve the issue. Duralex USA, Inc. will not refund or replace products bought through Amazon third party sellers unless the seller is an AUTHORIZED THIRD PARTY SELLER. Email us at info@duralexusa.com or call us at (302) 326-4804 (M-F 8:30am-5pm ET), before you purchase to verify if the seller is an AUTHORIZED THIRD PARTY SELLER.